What We Believe:

We Learn, Live and Love.

We believe the Christ-follower allows all aspects of life to be shaped by Jesus Christ.  We learn, live and love according to the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20), the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:37-40) and the Great Sermon (Matthew 5-7).  The Great Commission tells us to learn about Jesus and teach others about Jesus, the Great Commandment encourages us to love God and our neighbor, and the Great Sermon by Jesus gives us the ways we can live faithfully.

We hold to orthodox Christian beliefs as defined by the Nicene Creed.

We hold to orthodox Christian beliefs as defined by the Nicene Creed. While Anabaptist churches have often been called “non-creedal” or not following a specific declaration of faith, we use this Creed to outline our basic Christian beliefs.

The Nicene Creed is now over 1700 years old and still guides much of Christianity.

We live out those Christian beliefs via an Anabaptist lens.

Anabaptists are reformers who went beyond Luther and Calvin in practicing believer’s baptism and rejecting the union of Church and State. Since early followers were baptized as children, they were re-baptized after believing in Jesus for themselves. You may read more about this expression of Christianity here: Anabaptist Origins.

We belong to a network of churches called the Evana Network.

This is a gathering of Evangelical Anabaptist churches who seek to faithfully follow Jesus, tell others about the Good News, and act to bring life and transformation to our communities. More information may be found here: Evana Vision.


Vision: Grow in faith and relationships

Mission: Invite others to walk with us on the journey of learning more about Jesus and reflecting His love for all.

Core Values

Theological core values inform our organization priorities, or how our Church discerns and makes decisions.  

These values guide us in living out God’s mission through Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. 

  • Jesus is our Center: Jesus is the foundation of what we believe, say and do.  Philippians 2:1-11; Colossians 1:16-20

  • The Bible is our Starting Point: The Bible reveals God the Father to us, displaying His love for us and directing how we should live.  Luke 24:26-28, 2 Timothy 3:14-16, Colossians 1:3-13

  • We joyfully share our Faith: We do this by worshiping Jesus Christ and inviting others to embrace the Good News. Isaiah 52:7, Luke 19:35-40, Acts 5:42, Jude 22-23

  • We see through an Anabaptist Lens: As Jesus-followers, we live differently than the world via mutual aid, servant leadership, and peace.    Sermon on the Mount of Matthew 5-7, Matthew 25:31-46

  • We are in the Restoration Business: Working with the Holy Spirit, we walk with others towards healing of body, soul and mind.   Jeremiah 29:7, Isaiah 58:11-13, 2 Corinthians 3:16-18, 2 Corinthians 5:16-18

Click here to download our Vision, Mission and Core Values.

Click here for the 1995 Confession of Faith summary.