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We believe in the biblical principles of tithes and offerings.

The Prophet Malachi speaks of bringing the firstfruits into the storehouse, the first 10% of our income. He goes on testify of how God will open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing so great that there won’t be enough room to contain it.

Pleasant View Church teaches the practice of generosity extends beyond our money and into all aspects of relationships with God and our neighbors. We believe those who follow Jesus Christ are known for giving their time, their talents and even possessions in order to make a difference in the world. While the links below provide ways that you might financially support our ministry, we invite you to join with us in being generous to the community around us and world beyond.

“But since you excel in everything - in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in the love we have kindled in you - see that you also excel in this grace of giving.” - 2 Corinthians 8:7



Give securely online through our GIVEPLUS+ link below. Follow the link to give an anonymous, one-time gift or create your own account for single and recurring gifts. GIVEPLUS+ is managed by Vanco, a trusted online service and allows you to simply manage and keep track of your giving.



Visit the Apple Store or Google Play to download the free Vanco Mobile app. Once installed, set up your account and search for “Pleasant View Church.” Set as your default location and follow the prompts to make a contribution.

App pages in Apple Store and Google Play have additional support pages for any questions you might have.



Text 888-863-3443 with the dollar amount you wish to contribute, i.e. if you want to do $25, type “$25” or “25.” If you are currently on your phone, clicking on the number above will open a blank text box.

Follow the prompt to securely register your debit/credit card, address and phone number. Click “Contribute” & follow prompt for further actions. Contributions will automatically go to our General Fund. If you wish to give to our Building Fund add a space and buildingfund after the dollar amount entered. Future gifts from your number will not require you to enter all the payment information again.